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If you would like to join us for our volunteer projects, please email Caroline.wilson@familysupportcenter.org


Childcare Support

We have in-person opportunities to help provide child care for children we see every day at Life Start Village and in our Crisis Nurseries.

If you are interested in volunteering with childcare, please reach out to Caroline at caroline.wilson@familysupportcenter.org

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Highly Skilled/professional Volunteers

The Family Support Center is in need of some highly skilled volunteers! Read below and see if any of these opportunities fit you!


We need the assistance of highly skilled or professional volunteers who would be willing to help shoot footage for our campaigns.

Graphic Designers

We need the assistance of highly skilled or professional volunteers who would be willing to help design graphics for our fundraising events.


The Family Support Center is in need of artists who are willing to paint murals for playrooms.

Car Mechanics

Many of the families at LifeStart Village come to us with limited resources. If they have a car, oftentimes it is in desperate need of help and maintenance. Let us know if you are a professional volunteer that would be interested in helping our single parent families at LifeStart Village.


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Silent Auction

This is a great way to remote volunteer!

Last year, the Family Support Center held our first ever virtual silent auction! Our events are growing and we need volunteer help!

Do you know, or have connections with a company who would donate gift cards, goods, services, experiences, or sponsor a basket for our upcoming silent auctions?

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Spring Cleanup

Spring is coming and our properties could use some love to prep them for the upcoming seasons. We need small groups to come and help us out!


Volunteer Updates

* indicates required