A Mother's Love

A Force of Bravery, Courage, and Resilience

What is the strongest force on this planet?

Ask me what is the strongest force on this planet, and I’ll simply tell you the answer is a mother’s love for her children. Never has such love been clearer to me than when I listened to Dominique tell her story; a story which tells of one woman’s bravery, courage, and resilience.  

“We have the ability to change the awful experiences of our past into the power of owning our future”.

Dominique, Family Support Center’s LifeStart Village Resident

Dominique’s Story

As a child, Dominique suffered through the pain of losing a sister due to domestic violence. The trauma encapsulated her young life and forced Dominique to grow up too quickly. When Dominique dreamed of her future she was determined to get away from the life she endured as a child. She was going to adapt and create a future that was her own.

Years later, Dominique found herself a single parent alone with two little girls, but then life started to look up. She found a man, who wanted to put family first and she thought this was her chance to have the life she dreamt of as a little girl. However, one thing led to another as the man she had fallen in love with turned his self-harm into abuse towards her and eventually her children. There came a moment when Dominique faced a night of violence so terrifying that she didn’t think she would live to see the next day. 

Her thoughts during this harrowing night were focused on her children upstairs. The fear she felt wasn’t about what would happen to her, but of what would happen to them after she was gone. Bravely, Dominique persevered and survived the night. The very next day she started searching for an escape.  

Dominique made phone call after phone call, desperate for a safe place for her and her children, but the shelters were full. Feeling helpless and trapped Dominique’s only option was to remain in her house with the man who had tried to take her life and, as she later discovered, the life of her unborn child.

Out of options

Feeling caged and powerless, Dominique continued pushing through the daily trauma that came at the hands of her spouse. Until one day she arrived home after a trip to the grocery store. As she was putting groceries away, her youngest daughter came into the room with a flowering bruise in the shape of a hand-print across her little face. That was it, the last straw. Determined to protect her family, Dominique took her children and ran.

Dominique found temporary sanctuary at the YWCA. From there she was referred to LifeStart Village. Nervous about the commitment, she instead moved into a small apartment with her children. Unfortunately, poor living conditions created an unsafe environment and Dominique, for the sake of her children, had to find another place to live. 

Dominique and her family, LifeStart Village Residents (2).png

With two little girls, an infant, and a poorly-paying job, Dominique moved into a one-bedroom apartment with her mother for nearly two years. Once again, a temporary solution. Dominique knew she had to find an answer that would result in her ability to permanently care for her family. After 2 years she decided to come to LifeStart Village.

found hope and community at lifestart village

Unceasingly, Dominique had fought for the survival of herself and her children, doing everything in her power to provide a safe future. Even when the world may have said the odds were stacked against her, she endured. 

Starting her journey at LifeStart Village wasn’t easy, but the program housed and educated her. Her self-sufficiency increased in every aspect of her life. Dominique began going to school and working full time. She was learning how to be self-sufficient, including rebuilding her finances and credit. Dominique was becoming the best mother she could. She admits that the changes and the rules of the LifeStart Village program were hard, however without the push and support, she wouldn’t have been able to break the cycle of her past. Little by little Dominique started to rebuild her dream as she learned how to take her future into her own hands.

One of Dominique’s biggest dreams is about to become a reality; she is preparing to close on her first home on March 9th. Dominique is raising her children with love while teaching them the life skills she’s acquired on her own journey. Now her ultimate goal is to ensure the future success and happiness of her beautiful children.

Now I’ll ask you once again, what is the strongest force on this planet? I’m sure you’ll agree with me that this intangible force is a mother’s love for her children. A power that gave Dominique bravery when looking towards the future, strength to be resilient in the face of the trauma haunting her past, and most of all hope and courage to look towards a bright and happy future.

By Courtney E.