It’s Beautiful Out Here


“There will be days where you’ll think it will be easier to be stagnant because at least you know what to expect. The fear of the unknown is what holds most people back, but it’s beautiful out here.”


Safe Enough to Leave

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I first found out about the Family Support Center from my attorney. I’d been a victim of domestic abuse and needed someone to watch my newborn baby while I was in court. The crisis nursery provided free childcare to help me get through my court proceedings. I remember going to the Sugarhouse location and seeing the grandmas rocking the babies.

The nursery felt like a dream. 

This wasn’t the only time I used the Family Support Center’s services,

they became part of my secret plan to get out of my abusive relationship. 

When I needed to go to school they helped me with child care. When I was overwhelmed and simply needed a break they were there for me and my children. Because of their support I made my way through school and got my esthetics license, all before my husband knew I was going to leave.

Half the battle with women or victims leaving their abusers is the lack of support.

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We know this statistically, but you don’t really see or comprehend how much support someone actually needs. Sure you have your friends and coworkers giving you the thumbs up “like yeah you should leave, that’s great for you.”

But who's actually going to help you get to the position where you’re stable enough to leave? Where you’re safe enough to leave?

I knew my kids would be safe at the Family Support Center. 

Outside of the crisis nursery my kids and I took the in-home parenting class. My children loved the teacher who came to our house! She helped me figure out ways to structure our home life, which is such an important piece when you are leaving. The goal was to not create more chaos. She helped me to understand how and why my kids were responding to things, and to figure out ways to get them on a better nighttime routine. Honestly, it was a godsend. I kept thinking, this is free? It honestly felt like stealing.

I was able to get out, and the Family Support Center was a pivotal part of that.

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Today, my motivation is my kids. I want them to be happy, safe, and comfortable. I wanted to be better, do better, and create a life for myself and my children. I want them to be raised by a woman who works for everything she has. My hope is that they take this lesson with them and repeat it in their own lives.

Just creating a level of stability where you are no longer reliant is such a huge thing. How are you supposed to leave when you haven’t been able to work for ten years? How do you get into the workforce? How do you apply for an apartment when you haven’t had an income? 

That’s why, when my friend and I built Empire Body Waxing, we created an initiative called Empire Empowers.

Because I want everyone, from my employees to my clients, to feel empowered whether it is as simple as you feel like a boss because we gave you some killer eyebrows or you’re one of my employees who has this new marketable skill set that allows them to go and support themselves.

Empowerment, self-sufficiency, self-respect,

are things I learned from leaving my husband and in creating the life I have now. If I have any advice for someone who is in the position I was in, it is that…


YOU have a passion for a reason and you are more than capable. We don’t get hyped up about things to fail. We don’t get these dreams because they are not attainable. Do it, because it’s not going to get done unless you do. It's going to be scary and hard as hell and there will be days where you think it will be easier to be stagnant because at least when you’re stagnant you know what to expect. The fear of the unknown is what holds most people back, but I want you to know it’s beautiful out here.

-Jenna’s Story (Written by Courtney Eborn, Family Support Center)