An All-American Father

I was living the American dream...until I wasn’t.

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My name is Mike. I am a single father to three beautiful children, and we are residents at LifeStart Village.

I never thought I would be so grateful for a program such as this , until it saved my family. At one point, I had my own home and cars, but drugs crept in and slowly began to take over. Shortly after, I found myself divorced and homeless. I was left with no option other than to take my children and go to the Salt Lake City homeless shelter. 

I quickly became someone I did not recognize and someone I did not want to know.

While living at the shelter, drugs took over my life. We were there for almost a year before I was caught trying to support my addiction by stealing.

In an instant, my life changed. 

My children, the loves of my life, my pride and joy, were taken away from me because I was unable to be the father they so desperately needed. DCFS was granted custody of my children and just when I thought this was the end, I was given the opportunity of a lifetime. This was my turning point. 

While in jail, I was given the chance to go into a drug treatment program, Odyssey House of Utah. It was this opportunity that led me to realize that now was my time to turn my entire life around and become the father that my children needed. Upon my arrival at Odyssey House, my kids were placed into foster care and I was ordered to complete DCFS Family Dependency Drug Court and residential treatment. 

This journey was hard. I knew what I had to do for my children, but there were times that I was not sure if I could make it. However, the thought of being with my babies permanently and being able to give them the life they deserve motivated me to my graduation. I graduated from the Father’s with Children program in December of 2017. Upon graduation I was granted sole custody of my three children. At this moment, I could not have been happier. 

It didn’t take long though until I hit yet another bump in the road.  After several months of living in transitional housing with my children, we were able to move into our own apartment.  I signed the lease and moved into an apartment that was way beyond what a single father with three children could afford. It only took two months before I fell so far behind in rent that we were evicted. I felt hopeless. Once again, I was about to have everything taken away from me. 

I was telling a friend of mine the situation I had gotten myself into and she recommended I look into LifeStart Village. I gave the staff at LifeStart Village a call and was given a spot in the program. My kids and I gathered our things, and once again moved. They had already been through so much, so I was determined to be successful in this program.

 I came to LifeStart Village knowing I had a long way to go.

I was financially irresponsible and needed to get my finances in order before I could become self-sufficient and get back to the American Dream I was once living. 

Here’s the thing- LifeStart Village gave me so much more than just the resources to become financially responsible. It taught me that I am not alone, no matter how alone I feel. I was taught that with accountability and motivation, I can get anywhere I want to in life. I was taught how to cook a homemade meal for my children and keep our home nice and clean. The program at LifeStart Village taught me the skills I needed to be a successful single father. 

This year, I moved into Phase 2 of the program. I continue to work every day, saving money to purchase a home for our future, and helping my children learn how to achieve their dreams. My youngest daughter has found stability and has been able to form permanent friendships. My son was able to get the behavioral help and now has the tools to be successful in a learning environment. My oldest daughter is a dance star. As a family we apply many of the same skills I learned at LifeStart Village, to help my children develop their skills and further their dreams.  

Today, I am a proud single father of three beautiful children and thanks to LifeStart Village, I am living my new version of the American dream.

-Mike’s Story, Written by Mattea Van De Wiele, LifeStart Village Program Coordinator

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